The construction of governance ability has been a fundamental task since our Party came to power, which is also a tremendous system project.
Questions of governance ability are relation to many aspects. Among them, the personal qualities and capabilities of leaders who work on national governance at all levels are the most essential parts. Their qualities and capabilities affect directly the social development and people's well-being. And the most direct representation is the strength degree of our Party's governance ability.
所以要想成为一名优秀的领导必须具备较强的心理素质与自身的修养。Therefore, one must have quite good psychological diathesis and personal cultures if he wants to be an excellent leader.
因为决策失误的原因不仅与领导自身有关,还受其他客观因素,比如个性特征、教育经历、家庭背景、工作经验及社会文化、组织文化、信息偏差等因素的影响。That is to say, reasons of policy failure are not only the leaders themselves, but also some other objective factors, such as personality characteristics, education experience, family background, job experience, social knowledge, organization culture, information bias, etc.
These factors may result in policy failures during decision-making process because leaders are over-reliance on individual experience, subjective judgment, and hyper-rational analysis.
During the reform and open up and development of the socialist market economy, lots of new situations and contradictions have arisen in administrative management. The decision-makers face more complicated and difficult problems and tasks, which need the leaders improve their decision-making capacities.
Employment is the basic of the people's livelihood. And the problem of employment is an important problem in our country.
University students are valuable human resources, who have better professional qualities and abilities. Their employments concern the development process of our country, the process of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
Therefore, the government should take steps to arrange appropriately university students' employment.
Chapter one of this article explains the basic theory of employment policies such as government's theory evidence and responsibility positioning of university students’ employment.
In chapter two, on evolution and contents of the employment policies, the article analyses the status quo of government's promoting university students' employment policies, and summarizes the employment policies by three aspects (promoting supply, promoting demand, and promoting supply matching).
第三章从政策本身、政策存在环境和政策执行三方面分析政策存在的问题及缘由。 Chapter three analyses the problems and causes of the policies by means of probing into the policy itself, the policy environment, and the policy implementation.
In the last chapter, for the sake of solving problems found in the course of government's implementation of promoting university students' employment policies, the article gives suggestions on the following aspects: strengthening government's degree of control, establishing a total-service system, implementing policies at all levels, etc.